Children's Ministry

  • Sundays:  Sunday School is available for  Nursery, Toddler,  4 year olds-2nd Grade, and 3rd-5th Grade.  The 1st Sunday of each month is Family Sunday when the whole family will worship & learn God's Word together. Childcare will still be available for infants and toddlers, and a family room will be available.  
  • Mondays:  Good News Club! From 3:00 - 4:00 pm.  Meet at Donnelly Elementary School, Room 105.  For elementary age students.  Contact Mike Crase at (760) 219-2570
  • Wednesdays:  On our Fellowship Nights, join us for a potluck @ 6 pm followed by Bible studies for all ages from 6:45 - 7:45 pm. 

  • We need more teachers and volunteers for our children's ministry! If you feel the Lord leading you to serve in this capacity please sign up below!