We are a part of the Kingdom of God, a community of redeemed people from various walks of life, backgrounds and traditions. Therefore we do not build artificial partitions that result in separation, rather, we together pursue our vision of becoming different sorts of people who have been changed through spending time with Jesus of Nazareth. We seek to present Jesus Christ as He really is, the One who came and showed us how to live, died for us that we too might die with Him, and rose again to give us new Life from above. We desire to be the kinds of people, in cooperation with the work of the Holy Spirit within and among us who live differently because we are different. The consequence of which is being a demonstration to our world of the kind of abundant life that is so often difficult to put into words. We are not striving to be ‘arm-chair’ theologians, perfecting and honing our doctrine to prove that we are right and everyone else is wrong but very much striving to be different kinds of people. We are recovering sinners all, learning together the great message of life and hope Jesus taught and demonstrated. A life that is, in His words, eternal. Our vision is the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20. Knowing that He is the One who has say over everything in heaven and on earth, being confident that He will be with us every step of the way until the job is done, we strive to make disciples as we immerse them in the Trinitarian presence of God and then teach them how to put into practice the things that Jesus lived, taught and demonstrated. We invite you to join with us as we live out our discipleship to Jesus Christ, learning how to live our lives as He would live our lives if our lives were His.